November 2020 Webinar with Seth Jordan -Working with Polarities in Social Life

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November 2020 Webinar with Seth Jordan -Working with Polarities in Social Life


Working with Polarities in Social Life

An EduCareDo Community Event with Seth Jordan in November 2020

It is hard to think of a more divisive and polarized time in recent memory. Hostility between groups, whether political parties, economic classes, or racial and cultural factions, has reached such a pitch in the USA that it has been compared to a “cold civil war.” But we also know these states of opposition intimately from our own personal lives. And ultimately we must each take responsibility in order to bridge these divides.

In this webinar we will work to identify the ways in which we each engender and promote divisiveness in our own lives and in society, and the ways we can bridge such divisions through a truer seeing of the other. Building off of Rudolf Steiner’s work we will explore the idea of a multiplicity of perspectives as well as a multiplicity of functions, or gestures, within society, and try to see the inner practices and outer forms that can bring healing to them.

Standard Enrollment : $20 AUD

Participants of Transforming Society: Seeds for a New Social Understanding year-long course receive access to the recordings throughout the course.

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