EduCareDo Study Groups & Practice Sessions
Study groups offer opportunities for course members to come together in a consistent form to share questions and insights, and have thoughtful discussions about the lesson content. They can help to support a study rhythm and build connections with others through hearing experiences of the different ways the course is being integrated into one’s personal and professional life.
Participation in a study group is free and open to those who are currently receiving the lessons for that particular course as well those who enrolled in the course anytime in the past and would like to stay connected.
Study groups are not recorded.
EDUCAREDO HOSTED online study groups & Practice sessions
Currently available
January 2024 - December 2024
Participants of this course are welcome to come together online for two 2-hour sessions per month. The sessions are designed to bring the content alive between us through presentation, exercises, conversation, questions, and sharing from experience. These sessions together will strengthen and support us in our practical work to bring healing to the earth and to enhance our nutrition and health. This group is facilitated by the course author, Anthony Mecca.
In addition to study groups, Anthony is offering an hour every month for exercise-focused Practice Sessions. These comence January 15 6pm AET / January 16 10am AEDT. Those gathering will work with specific exercises from a lesson, and then share experiences and questions to help deepen and broaden understanding and practice towards strengthening capacities for healing the earth and enhancing health and nutrition. You are welcome to register on the link below so as to receive notifications prior to each practice session.
Open the study group & Practice schedule
Please use this link to join this study group and /or the practice sessions.
January 2024 - December 2024
Past and present Foundations in Anthroposophy students are invited to join a study group meeting monthly from the end of January 2024 through to December 2024. The study group is a place to review the key concepts in each lesson, work together on exercises, and experience the process of active questioning, three-folding, and phenomenological approaches to learning. Expressions of interest are also being collected for an additional group proposed to begin mid 2024. Please use this link to join either study group.
NEW YORK: Monday, January 29, from 6:30 - 8:30 pm EST
Please click on the time or open the schedule to convert the time to your timezone.
The following Practice sessions are also open to Participants of this course. Email us to receive the zoom link to participate.
Senses via Mantles of Care in Daily Life - March 2 9am (Sydney NSW)
Eurythmy (30 mins) - April 20 7am (Sydney NSW) & August 18 7am (Sydney NSW)
Watercolour painting (30 mins) June 23 10am (Sydney NSW)
Open the study & Practice group schedule updated Jan 24 2024
January 2024 - November 2024
Students of this course are welcome to come together online for 1 hour, eight times across the year. This gathering is facilitated by the course primary author, Lisa Bono on the third weekend of January, February, April, May, July, August, October and November. The time is based on Saturdays at 4pm PST, which converts to 7pm EST and in Australia it changes when time zones change but in January is 11am Sundays. Please express your interest here to join this study group.
Open the study group schedule
An additional in-person study group is held in Northern NSW, Australia on Tuesday afternoon’s once a month commencing April 30. It is led by EduCareDo contributors Lyn Clifton and Louise Stewart as a place for like-minded and fruitful conversation as participants individually and at your own pace work with the course content. Please express your interest here to join this study group.
The following Practice sessions are also open to Participants of this course. Email us to receive the zoom link to participate.
Senses via Mantles of Care in Daily Life - March 2 9am (Sydney NSW)
Eurythmy (30 mins) - April 20 7am (Sydney NSW) & August 18 7am (Sydney NSW)
An EduCareDo study group forms when a group of colleagues or friends decide to study the EduCareDo lessons together.
There are study groups in the general community, teacher, staff and parent communities, and in collaboration with the programming of other organizations (visit our community partnerships page for details). Several Waldorf schools have established study groups as a pedagogical foundation and professional development for their staff and teachers.
How to start a local study group
Starting a study group is as easy as contacting EduCareDo and expressing an interest. We discuss your plans, such as when it will commence, the name of the study group and if it will be open to a specific group of people.
There are two ways for study group members to register.
Members enroll individually on the EduCareDo website and note the name of the study group on the enrollment form. A discount is available for enrollment into the Foundations in Anthroposophy Course; or
An email is sent to EduCareDo with a list of those enrolling, including each member’s name, email, and contact number. A lump sum payment can be made by electronic bank transfer or via the PayPal gateway on the website using instructions from EduCareDo.
Once the enrollments have been processed, each member of the study group receives the lessons which are sent directly to their email address.
Foundations in ANthroposophy Course local study groups costs
The cost per person for the 26 lessons is $350 AUD; this includes the $100 discount for teachers and study group members. For the Foundations in Anthroposophy Course, we are happy to offer a further discount of one free enrollment after the 6th new student in the study group (7th enrollment is free). There is no additional fee to obtain the Course Certificate including the Foundation Year Certificate for Teachers.
Someone who wants to our join our study group is already enrolled into the course. How can they join the study group?
Current EduCareDo course participants who have enrolled and received the lessons that will be used in a study group are to email us so as to register for the study group.
Who runs the study group?
Each group nominates a facilitator who is responsible for communication with members about meeting times and letting EduCareDo know of any changes to the group that affect the administration of the course.
What is the format of the study group?
The course design is experiential and practical and every study group establishes its own rhythm and timetable. Some groups decide to have their members read the lessons on their own and meet to do the lesson activities together such as the experiments, artistic exercises, and reflective tasks. Other groups will work through each lesson together.
Can I work towards a certificate of completion when I’m a member of a study group?
Everyone can work at their own pace and submit assessments to EduCareDo if they want to receive a certificate of completion. Not everyone in the group has to work toward a certificate. It’s an individual decision.
“For many years I hesitated coming towards anthroposophy because I felt that anything from the spiritual realm was private, special and too big to be put into language or ‘boxed’ in some way. I have recently taken the position of board chair at a Steiner School and to support my role in our school’s growth I decided to enrol in the EduCareDo course. I have truly enjoyed the unfolding nature of the lessons and, in particular, group discussion where we can question the work presented to us within a space open to the arising of new understanding. This course has allowed me to look deeper into life, with more joy and it naturally follows that it supports my role on the board as well as in my business.” (quote from a study group member)
Take a look at how some organizations are using the EduCareDo Foundation Year lessons in an independent form to train new teachers and farmers.
Biodynamic Association (USA) Foundation Year in Farming
The Biodynamic Farmer Foundation Year is a hands-on, holistic approach to farmer education. The trainees will study the EduCareDo Foundation Year in Anthroposophy alongside their practical work on the farm.
Delve deeply into the practice of biodynamics with individualized support from an experienced biodynamic mentor farmer.
Apprentice on an established biodynamic mentor farm or implement biodynamics on the farm you manage.
Work with a cohesive learning curriculum of short readings, experiential exercises, and lively conversation spaces.
This new program builds upon the North American Biodynamic Apprenticeship Program (NABDAP), which began in 2009 and has graduated 37 new biodynamic farmers to date.