Biodynamic Agriculture as a Healing Path for the Earth and the Human Being


Biodynamic Agriculture as a Healing Path for the Earth and the Human Being


An offering in October 2022 from the Biodynamic Agriculture and Nutrition year-long course
with Anthony Mecca

The spiritual scientific insights behind biodynamics bring health and renewal to the relationships between our everyday acts in the world and the life of the earth. Building and strengthening these relationships both inwardly and outwardly, through practical engagement, can bring healing impulses for many of the ills of our time such as loss of biodiversity, erratic and extreme weather, degraded food quality, and challenges to human health. We will explore some fundamental aspects of biodynamics and how to bring them to the world as gardeners, farmers, eaters, lovers of nature, and participants in the life of the earth.


Image: Paul Klee, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons