Wonder, Positive Social Connection, Virtue Module
Wonder, Positive Social Connection, Virtue Module
One of the twelve lessons from Spirit-led Education for a Spirit-led Life, this module offers a lesson written by Lisa Romero - Wonder, Positive Social Connection and Virtue.
“It is important for us to find how to support and develop wonder in children, so that we might support those very spiritual foundations. The foundations that when having been present in childhood, make it possible that in adulthood, they will have a much richer, deeper relationship to the world around them, in terms of both giving and receiving. It is these foundations which help us to stay, in deep relationship and relatedness to life, and not so divided or separated from this great mystery of the world with which we are engaged as human beings. It is from the engagement with this mystery that we are able to feel this richness. It allows us to open up to something that is beyond ourselves.”