The Ground for Healthy Relationships:
Addressing the New World of How We Relate
Recordings from this January 29-31, 2021 course are available
Keynote presentations by Lisa Romero
Painting “Song We Came to Sing” by Ella Lapointe. Watercolor on paper, 2019.
This gathering of keynote presentations and workshops will speak to the heart of how healthy relationships are formed and how they are being affected by changes in how we engage with others. Technology has changed how we relate to one another, and is increasingly changing our inner capacities to relate healthily.
This event will be very useful for anyone wanting to support themselves, others, adults and children, in overcoming the negative impacts of technology, and also growing the capacity to be able to present over the internet with more understanding of our role and responsibility in what we bring.
In these changing times, the necessity of healthy relationships in our lives is becoming more and more evident. As much of our communication and ways of relating are via technology, and even education is moving online, our soul to soul connections are lessening. Our informational learning is increasing and our soul learning is decreasing, giving rise to either superficial or discordant connections with others and ourselves. With the increasing reality of technology providing the context for social connection and affecting our lives and our relationships, we are seeing disturbing trends in mental health and the health of relationships, at all ages, from young children to adults.
Through this course we will discern the various aspects of learning and the importance of soul relationships as we address how to grow our capacity to deepen soul learning and connections, even when technology is being used. This event will explore how to correct the imbalances of technology in various ways and how to increase soul learning, towards deepening our relationships.
We will also explore how to use technology to serve a deepening of our humanity and soul growth rather than dismissing it altogether and separating ourselves from the present world changes or being taken over by tech forms and rhythms making us “automatons”.
Healthy relationships of all kinds, sexual, familial, friendship, and colleagueship, all need soul capacity. As adults, we can choose to improve this for ourselves, but true education of children increases and supports their soul capacities so that they may when grown deepen their relationship to others, to themselves, and to the whole world. As the outer world changes our forms of relating, our inner capacities to relate healthily must be deepened if we wish to build a fulfilling life and future for all.
Session Descriptions
You will reeive recordings of keynotes and workshops if you register below.
Click below for details
The Ground of Healthy Relationships to Overcome the Influence of Technology on Our Interior World
Presentation includes experiential exercises, and Q&A/conversation
Deepening Relationships in the New World of Relating
Presentation includes experiential exercises, and Q&A/conversation
6 Workshops
The Role of the Arts in Deepening Inner Landscapes of Soul:
Supporting Awareness, Empathy and Resilience in Ourselves and the Children in Our Care
with Meaghan Witri
In this workshop, we will focus on the activity and importance of the arts throughout our education and experience, and as a harmonizing antidote to technology use. We will look together at how the soul life can be supported, deepened and matured throughout all ages and stages of growth and development by integrating a truly artistic relationship to learning, homelife, and celebrating the festivals.
The Complexity of Attraction in Relationships - High School and Adulthood
with Melanie Deefholts
This workshop will explore the realities of the human experience of attraction which may take place on different levels, sexual, social, romantic, and on the level of consciousness wherein this attraction is based on a connection with another human being that encourages the evolution of one’s conscious self. We will explore how familial, societal, biological and other conditions influence our experience of attraction in relationships. These attractions can be experienced in many different configurations and don’t always ‘line up’. By understanding this complexity we can better support children through their developmental journey towards freedom, and work more consciously in our adult relationships.
External Treatments for Rebalancing in Adults & Older Children
with Sarah Mecca
In our technological age, young people and adults alike are being bombarded with sensory input that is increasingly difficult to digest in healthy and balanced ways, inclusive of older children and adults working with technology at home and/or in school. This workshop will provide simple strategies and external treatments for harmonizing the sensory system towards balance, health and healing.
Meeting the Needs of Child Development in Today’s World - Ages: Birth - 9 Years Old
with Meaghan Witri
Viewing a deeper understanding of child development, we will explore what is most supportive for a child’s inner and outer growth. This brings harmony between the evolving body and soul which lays the foundation for healthy adult experience. As adults, much of what we struggle with today can be traced to our own developmental stages. By understanding deeply the foundations laid down in childhood we can recognise the healing steps we and others need to take.
Rudolf Steiner indicated 3 seven year cycles of growth and development that comprise the journey of childhood for every human being, each pertaining to different aspects of the physical body, which also have reflections in both the child’s inner experiences and social interactions. Understanding developmental stages and needs of children in our care, supports health and understanding of the social realities that children meet in the world today, and helps us to support young people’s awareness of themselves and others through the exploration of topics in the areas of healthy relationships and social understanding, as well as gender and sexuality in older children.
Meeting the Needs of Child Development in Today’s World - Ages: 9 - 18 Years Old
with Melanie Deefholts
Viewing a deeper understanding of child development, we will explore what is most supportive for a child’s inner and outer growth. This brings harmony between the evolving body and soul which lays the foundation for healthy adult experience. As adults, much of what we struggle with today can be traced to our own developmental stages. By understanding deeply the foundations laid down in childhood we can recognise the healing steps we and others need to take.
Rudolf Steiner indicated 3 seven year cycles of growth and development that comprise the journey of childhood for every human being, each pertaining to different aspects of the physical body, which also have reflections in both the child’s inner experiences and social interactions.
Understanding developmental stages and needs of children in our care, supports health and understanding of the social realities that children meet in the world today, and helps us to support young people’s awareness of themselves and others through the exploration of topics in the areas of healthy relationships and social understanding, as well as gender and sexuality in older children.
Home Healthcare to Protect and Rebalance the Senses as They Develop from Birth to 9 Years Old
with Louise Schnitzhofer and Lynette Clifton
Rudolf Steiner indicated that as the impressions from the outer world impinge on our inner life the application of therapies to the skin would be increasingly necessary to maintain a healthy sense of Self. This workshop focuses upon a number of simple yet powerful home healthcare applications to care and protect the senses as they develop and commence the child's first lessons in self care.
These traditional nursing applications are applied in relation to the senses through the understanding of a child's gradual incarnation to earth. They enhance the well-known understanding of the necessity for warmth, nutrition, sleep, touch, and rhythm as the foundations for healthy development and relationship with others.
Whole Course (Keynotes and Workshops): $75 AUD (~$53 USD)
Keynotes Only (No Workshops): $40 AUD (~$28 USD)
full-COURSE registration INCLUDES
Recordings of both keynotes and all 6 workshops.
Keynotes-only registration INCLUDES
Recordings of the two keynote presentations.